
Speed up payments, operate currencies, manage and grow your company's resources, do it all from anywhere with BASEinet, digital banking for companies.

BASEinet is the channel that allows you to manage your resources and operate from anywhere in an agile and secure way.

It offers the peace of mind of operating in a secure and controlled environment through different tools such as: configuration of profiles, users, limits and pooling.

Global vision of your exchange operations and SPID. Check the status of your exchange operations, download receipts and invoices online.
A single layout, all your payments in foreign currency. Carry out simultaneous transfers in different currencies and to different destinations.
Save up to 80% on your operations in dollars. Transfer to any international destination for only $5 USD.
Quick and easy access to investments. View and control Business Promissory Note online from wherever you are.
Pay taxes and services quickly and easily. No cost or commissions.
Personalization according to your needs. Create access profiles for each level of the company and define maximum transaction amounts per beneficiary.
It makes bank reconciliation easier by allowing you to export any query to Excel.
ERP systems compatibility. (SAP, ORACLE, among others).
Security with dynamic token authentication.
Multi-company access with 2 free users for life.
Configure different emails for notification.
Assistance to register international recipients.
Frequently Asked Questions

User, password and token

My user has been blocked, what can I do? The first thing is to wait 15 minutes for it to unlock, then you can try to enter checking that your username and password are written correctly.

What do I do if it marks Error with the user? Check that your username does not include spaces, capital letters and that there is no missing data. You can write it in a notepad to see that you are entering the correct data into the platform.

How do I do a token renewal on BASEinet? The renewal will take place when there are 3 months left before the device (physical token) expires. Your advisor will contact you to schedule the delivery of the new Tokens and then proceed to renew them from your BASEinet Digital Banking.

**If you already have your new Tokens, you can renew/activate them from your BASEinet.

How do I sync my token?** When making several failed attempts, the system will request to link the Token to your account. You will need to enter the following:

  • Serial number. Which comes on the back of the Token.
  • Dynamic Key. Take the 6-digit key that is displayed on the device screen.
  • Dynamic Key. Next, you will have to wait for the password that you already took to change and when another one is displayed, enter this one.

Operating hours

More hours a day for your international operation.

*SPID 24/7 (starting at 6:00pm limited max. amount $50,000, weekends and holidays) **Hours from Monday to Friday ***In case additional information is needed from the recipient, this will be requested during business hours.

Let's find a financial solution tailored to you.
Fill in your details and we will get in touch to advise you.

Producto Garantizado por el IPAB


Únicamente están garantizados por el Instituto para la Protección al Ahorro Bancario (IPAB), los depósitos bancarios de dinero: a la vista, retirables en días preestablecidos, de ahorro y a plazo o con previo aviso, así como los préstamos y créditos que acepte la institución, hasta por el equivalente a cuatrocientas mil unidades de inversión por persona, cualquiera que sea el número, tipo y clase de dichas obligaciones a su favor y a cargo de la institución de banca múltiple. Consulte más información sobre el IPAB en

UNE (UNIDAD ESPECIALIZADA DE ATENCIÓN A CLIENTES) Puedes contactar al: Teléfono: 800-925-2273 ó Ext. . Correos:,

CONDUSEF (Comisión Nacional para la Protección y defensa de los Usuarios de Servicios Financieros) Teléfonos 800-999-8080 y 55 5340-0999, o consultar la página electrónica en internet